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Canon Medical has expanded its CT Brain Perfusion*1 offering from 2D perfusion to the development of delay insensitive methods, semi-automated processing, full 4D scanning, and workflow enhancements to deliver impactful images. CT Brain Perfusion harnesses the power of Vitrea Advanced Visualization and is a convenient method of assessing perfusion abnormalities within the brain. Concurrent display of the perfusion maps aid in the assessment of the type and extent of abnormal cerebral blood flow.
*1CT Brain Perfusion is a Vitrea Advanced Visualization application manufactured by Canon Medical Informatics, Inc. Always refer to the Instructions For Use supplied with the product for complete instructions, indications and cautions.
*2Tmax mapping is not available in 2D Brain Perfusion cases.
*3SVD is available in 2D only.
1 Timothe Boutelier, Koshuke Kudo, Fabrice Pautot, and Makoto Sasaki. “Bayesian Hemodynamic Parameter Estimation by Bolus Tracking Perfusion Weighted Imaging. Part I: Theory and Preliminary Results”. 06 March 2012.
2 Anke Wouters, Søren Christensen, Matus Straka, Michael Mlynash, John Liggins, Roland Bammer, Vincent Thijs, Robin Lemmens, Gregory W. Albers and Maarten G. Lansberg. “A Comparison of Relative Time to Peak and Tmax for Mismatch-Based Patient Selection”. 13 October 2007.